Triumphant Lutheran Church
"We Grow in Christ to Serve Others"
Information for Visitors
NOTE: We are currently holding online worship. Click here to participate! We are carefully considering when and how to resume in-person worship. Click here for updates.
When you enter through the front doors of the church, you will be welcomed by our friendly greeters. Please write your name and contact information in the visitor's book located at the Welcome Center in the corner of the Narthex. The Welcome Center also has information on the many and varied groups, programs, and events that happen here at Triumphant. We'd love to know that you visited!
If you are visiting on a Sunday morning, feel free to have some coffee and refreshments in the Narthex before worship. After that, head to the main doors where an Usher will hand you a bulletin.
Children are welcome! We have children's bulletins and a "Sunday Paper" just for them. The Nursery is available should you choose to use it, but please know your children are welcome in worship!
Find a seat anywhere you like! And we would love for you to stay a few minutes after worship so we can introduce ourselves and get to know a little bit about you, too.
Worship Services
Traditional Worship
Our 8:30am service is a traditional service. The pastor and assistant wear traditional robes and the music is joyful and comforting and well-known throughout our Lutheran history. Come and worship our Lord the way Lutherans have been doing so for centuries.
Contemporary Worship
Our 11:00am service is a contemporary service. Enjoy praising God through the modern sounds of our Praise Band and singing songs you'll sometimes hear on a Christian radio station as well. You will feel renewed and uplifted and ready for the week.
Casual Worship
Our Saturday service is our more casual service. Come as you are and worship with us. Feel refreshed from your busy week.
Classes & Curriculum
Age-appropriate lessons on the ABC's, 123's, color and shape recognition, spatial relations, chapel time, story time, outside play, riding toys, sand box, art projects, special events, and more!
Nursery: Infants age 6 months to 23 months old
2 years: Children 24 to 35 months old
3 years: Children 36 to 47 months old
4 years: Children 48 to 59 months old
SCHEDULE for 2021:
Mondays and Wednesdays from 9:00am -- 2:00pm
Christmas Break: December 23, 2020 -- January 5, 2021
Memorial Day: May 24, 2021
Tuition & Fees for 2021
$45 non-refundable, due at registration ($46.75 if paid online)
SUPPLY FEES: $40 due in September and January ($41.50 if paid online)
One child — $18 per day ($18.75 if paid online)
Two or more children — $17 per day per child ($17.75 if paid online)
Monthly tuition is due in full by the 15th of the current month.
Tuition is due whether your child is present or absent. If your child will be absent, please call to let us know as soon as possible (210.651.9090, ext. 3)​
A late fee of $5.00 will be charged if not paid in full by the end of the current month.
Late Fee for pickup after 2:05pm is $2.00 for every 5 minutes.
You will not be charged for any holidays when we are closed.
Registration fees, supply fees, and monthly tuition payments can be made by check, cash, or online. A small processing fee is added to online payment amounts.
Additional Information
Drop off and Pick up:
Print your name on the attendance sheet when dropping off and again when picking up your child.
What to Bring in Your Child's Backpack:
1. Lunch for your child
2. Change of clothes for your child
3. Pull Ups, if your child wears them
4. Wipes to use when changing Pull Ups
5. Please put your child's name on all personal belongings
Medical Notes:
1. We DO NOT administer any medications to your child/children.
2. If you receive a call that your child has become ill, you will need to pick him/her up immediately.
How to Register Your Child
Registration is not open at this time. Registration will open once the Church Council and Early Childhood Program School Board approve a re-opening date. MDO is closed until further notice.
Once registration is open again: Proof of current immunization, registration form, and a non-refundable registration fee are needed to enroll. Registration will continue until all classes are full.
To register:
1. Download the MDO Registration Form. Print it and fill it out.
2. Scan the completed form and email it to MDO, along with a copy of your child's immunization record for our files.
Or you can mail them to:
Triumphant Lutheran Church
21315 Bat Cave Road
Garden Ridge, TX 78266
3. Include your registration check in the envelope with your paperwork (made payable to Triumphant MDO and with "MDO Registration" in the memo line) -- or -- make your registration payment online.
Butterflies Class
9:00AM - 1:45PM
Cost: $365.50/month plus $62 Supply Fee in September & January.
Giraffe Class
9:00AM - NOON
Cost: $190.50/month plus $51.50 Supply Fee in September & January.
Bees Class
9:00AM - NOON
Cost: $190.50/month plus $51.50 Supply Fee in September & January.
Panda Class
9:00AM - NOON
Cost: $149.50/month plus $41.50 Supply Fee in September & January.
3-day Owl Class
or Frog Class
9:00AM - NOON
Cost: $190.50/month plus $51.50 Supply Fee in September & January.
2-day Owl Class
or Frog Class
9:00AM - NOON
Cost: $149.50/month plus $41.50 Supply Fee in September & January.
Fish Class
9:00AM - NOON
Cost: $149.50/month plus $41.50 Supply Fee in September & January.
Lunch Buddies
Lunch Buddies is an optional extended-time program. Children will need a sack lunch.
1 L.B./week, add $31 to monthly tuition.
2 L.B./week, add $62 to monthly tuition.
3 L.B./week, add $93 to monthly tuition.
4 L.B./week, add $124 to monthly tuition.
5 L.B./week, add $155 to monthly tuition.
Early Drop-off
8AM - 9AM
Early Drop-off is now available as an option for busy parents! Bring your child to his/her regular classroom at 8am.
1/week, add $15.50 to monthly tuition.
2/week, add $31 to monthly tuition.
3/week, add $46.50 to monthly tuition.
4/week, add $62 to monthly tuition.
5/week, add $77.50 to monthly tuition.